With the aim to empower people to be happier and smarter car owners, we’re a group of car enthusiasts sharing our insights and honest narratives about cars and our lives in cars. We’re dedicated to sharing our car buying guides, stories and experiences from a personal point of view, and emphasizing on what really matters in a smart, fun, advice-from-your-best-buddy way.
We’ve noticed there are 3 types of car lovers –
a) The polishers that keep their cars clean and pristine without a speck of dust both inside and outside
b) The racers with their main concern in power
c) The classic enthusiasts in love with hot rods, street rods, muscle cars and antiques.
No matter what type you belong to, we all have one thing in common – we love cars which is the most important factor. We believe we will be able to give you some useful and practical info so you can make the most of your precious vehicle. You’re also welcome to share your story with us!
Chief Contributors
Lillian Kazmierczak
As far as I can remember, I would say I have been a car nut for my whole life. My father was a car dealer who used to change and repair his cars himself. This gave me the opportunity to get around all sorts of cars and get my hands dirty repairing vehicles from an early age.
A great fan of Japanese quality and German preciosity, my deep passion lies in older models that I believe have a flair that takes me back to my childhood! I also love their extraordinary durability and reliability when compared to today’s modern models.
When not out taking a ride, I enjoy socializing with fellow motorheads online and consuming any car facts and figures I can get my mind on!
Email: kazmierczaklillian@gmail.com
Paul Lucas
I grew up in a classic car-oriented family, and was taught how to differentiate between a Ford and a Chevy by my dad when I was just five years old! With special feelings for anything Italian, I enjoy driving and restoring old cars.
Over the years, I became tired of those cookie-cutter auto blogs that copy content from each other and decided to take matters into my own hands! So, I am here to bring you the latest auto industry news, tech innovations, the hottest cars and their specs, reviews, test drives, tuning, and more.
Email: paullucas.info@gmail.com