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How to Clean Mechanic Hands? – 6 Fail-Proof Methods!

Last Updated on Oct 07, 2022 By Lillian Kazmierczak

If you are always finding your manly hands filthy and greasy, you might want to try some special cleaning methods.

Today we will take you through the steps necessary for removing dirt and grease from your hands.

Why is it dangerous to have grease or oil stains on your hands?

Even though your car needs engine oil to operate, it’s not really safe to handle.

Grease and oil stains on your hands pose a significant risk to your health. Motor oil, for example, contains toxic chemicals.

Car engines are known to emit toxic chemicals such as:

  • Benzene
  • Metals
  • Antifreeze

As a result, this oil can cause serious skin problems if left on the skin for an extended period of time.

How to Clean Mechanic Hands

How to Clean Mechanic Hands

Things you need

  • Sugar or salt
  • Soap and water
  • Heavy-duty soap
  • WD-40
  • Gloves
  • Baby or olive oil
  • Cleaning wipes
  • Nail brush
  • Moisturizer

Method 1: Using a teaspoon of sugar or salt

Cleaning hand - Using a teaspoon of sugar or salt

Hands can be cleaned easily with this product because it removes tough grease and oil stains.

Make a paste with a tablespoon of your crystallized sugar and some water. Rub between your hands and the sugar or salt with all like an exfoliant to remove the stains and oil.

Method 2: Washing off excess grease or oil

Washing off excess grease or oil

Wash your hands thoroughly with some soap and water to ensure that as much grease is removed as possible. However, you will discover that some stains and grease will not come off with ordinary soap.

Using heavy-duty dish soap at this point will help get rid of the grease stains. Just rubber a squirt through the hands, rub well and rinse.

Method 3: Using WD-40

cleaning hand by Using WD-40

Known for its ability to remove tough stains from your hands, including grease and engine oil, this product is a common household item.

The solution can be sprayed on the hands and rubbed together. Then wipe your palms with a paper towel after a few minutes.

Your hands can be washed with a water-soap mixture afterward. Repeat if necessary.

Method 4: Using hand care solutions

Using hand care solutions

Now that your hands are clean and free of grease and dirt, it’s time to use an aftercare solution. Although it is often overlooked, you should moisturize and recondition your skin.

Rehydrating your skin after being damaged, especially from ongoing exposure to mechanical chemicals.

Make sure you use a hand care lotion regularly to encourage your skin to heal naturally.

Method 5: Removing oil with oil

Removing oil with oil

Olive or baby oils have the advantage of being gentle on the skin, yet they are still very effective in removing tough stains.

Begin by rubbing a small amount of oil between your palms, between your fingers, and between your knuckles. Once you have rinsed, use a quality detergent and water solution.

Method 6: Repairing skin damage

Repairing skin damage

Having spent all that time trying to remove tough stains and using chemicals, your hands will surely end up being rough. Make heated spa mitts to prevent further damage.

Wearing gloves while sleeping is also an option. It may seem strange at first, but you’ll be grateful for soft hands the next morning.

Don’t forget to wear plastic gloves and smear a good amount of cream onto your hands.

How to Clean Nails of a Mechanic

How to Clean Nails of a Mechanic

Method 1: Using cleaning wipes

a) Heavy-Duty Cleaning Wipes

Heavy-Duty Cleaning Wipes

Rather than using soap and water to wash your hands, these wipes might be a good alternative if you want a fast and easy method.

Just wipe your hands with the wipes and throw them in the bin when finished.

b) Nail brush

Nail brush

A high-quality fingernail brush is perfect for cleaning the hands and getting dirt out from under the fingernails.

Just scrub over the hands and underneath the nails with a good quality soap smeared on the nail brush.

Are heavy-duty cleaners safe?

Mechanics are always searching for heavy-duty cleaners. This type of cleaner seems to work really well, so mechanics prefer to use them. But unfortunately, the heavy-duty cleaners are not good for you and can be harsh on the skin.

The chemicals in the cleaner eventually dry skin out and pull the oil from your body.  Your hands will end up extremely dry and cracked and can become itchy. Go for an alternative that is mild on the skin.

Why do you need to protect your hands as a mechanic?

  • You can use them to prevent permanent stains on your hands
  • Your cleaning agent expenses can be reduced
  • You can use it for menial tasks
  • Protects your hands from chemicals

Quick tips  to clean mechanic’s hands

  • Rub your hands with Vaseline before you start a mechanic job to avoid the hassle of cleaning up
  • Wash hands often to avoid stain setting in
  • Keep hands moisturized to avoid stains sticking to cuts and dry skin
  • Scrub with a pumice stone to remove the stubborn mess        

Quick tips for avoiding cuts and dings

  • Any small task should be handled with gloves
  • Handle the task with calm and gentleness
  • Clean the injured area with your hands after washing them well
  • Don’t attempt work when you are tired and fatigue


1. Why are my hands stained brown

When used often, grease and oil in car engines can stain the hands and left on too long for the stain to settle.

2. How do I clean muddy hands?

Smear olive oil and sugar in your palms and then rub them for a few minutes to easily and effectively clean muddy hands. Rinse well and dry. Sugar grit removes mud, grease and grime by acting as an abrasive.

About the author

Lillian Kazmierczak

As far as I can remember, I would say I have been a car nut for my whole life. My father was a car dealer who used to change and repair his cars himself. This gave me the opportunity to get around all sorts of cars and get my hands dirty repairing vehicles from an early age.

A great fan of Japanese quality and German preciosity, my deep passion lies in older models that I believe have a flair that takes me back to my childhood! I also love their extraordinary durability and reliability when compared to today’s modern models.

When not out taking a ride, I enjoy socializing with fellow motorheads online and consuming any car facts and figures I can get my mind on!

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